Danby DAR125SLDD 4.4 cu.ft. All Refrigerator - Spotless Steel
I bought this fridge short notice when a defrosting attempt rendered my last beer fridge inoperable, and I felt a little pressured to hit the Go button on it as my tasty 12oz's of Heaven slowly warmed. But I must say I'm not disappointed at all! It's a great size, looks fantastic, isn't as heavy as I thought it would be, is very quiet, and keeps more than 60 bottles of Sam Adams ice cold and within arms reach with room to spare! My original fridge was a Kenmore job, with a pathetic waste-of-space freezer section (which this does not have) that for some unknown reason Sears saw fit to make the freezer floor out of the cooling element. So of course it iced up like you read about, and I, like many a man before me, took the task of removing this ice seriously (it was encroaching on my beer space as it grew!)...and pulled out my trusty, and ridiculously pointy, pocket knife. So after a bath of freon, or what ever the hell they're using these days to cool, washed over me with a snake-like hiss, I proceeded to slam the door and muscle the fridge out to the driveway where it still sits. Luckily my beer supply was low (it pains me to admit this), so I only needed to commandeer a single shelf in the practically useless "food" fridge as the wife calls it. But knowing this arrangement wouldn't last, I needed a new fridge, and fast. So I bit the bullet after reading a few whiny reviews about ridiculously trivial issues (like not getting cool enough, or damaged in shipping; neither of which plague(d) my unit), even springing for the $4 overnight option (Thank you PRIME!), and couldn't be happier. My pregnant wife likes it so much she's decided to throw caution to the wind and resume drinking. Who could resist pulling a frosty beverage from this bad boy and tossing it back at the end of a hard day? Not this guy! And this fridge delivers with style. Only thing I can think of as a drawback is it doesn't keep the ice frozen, but then, giving up room in it for ice when it could be holding more beer is just ludicrous. This scenario actually makes me shudder to consider.
Summary? Kick-ass fridge for the money and if you have Prime, pay the $4 to overnight it just so you can tell your friends you overnighted a FRIDGE for FOUR FREAKING DOLLARS. Then slam back a cold one for emphasis.
Update 1/16/14: This fridge no longer appears to be offered by Amazon, and is now selling for a ridiculous price from outside vendors. Do yourselves a favor and look elsewhere for this model, or find a comparable model here that still offers Prime (even though Amazon sadly no longer allows things this big to get away with being overnighted for $3.99).
In other news, this fridge continues to deliver cold beverages flawlessly, and other than the kids fingerprints all over it, still looks pretty good. If you didn't snag one before Amazon stopped carrying them, I feel sorry for you. but there has to be something almost as good available for close to what this was selling for (I think I paid $210 for mine).